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What Does the Future hold for Shipping?



Driverless Trucks almost on highway












 Get Moving!
Shipping Vision
  • What Does the Future Vision Hold?

  • Given the OttoWagon Vision: 30 years out we believe the future for OttoWagons will be not be a Car Truck or SUV with retrofitting but a type of Ride Hailing Subscription Service. A User will hailing an OttoWagon that is controlled by an App using GIS or other type of Mapping Technology. It will have the ability to be able to "Talk" to other OttoWagons and various smart road objects or SROs. We would be remiss not to mention the largest gain for business. That is Shipping. 

  • Shipping of the future currently is much like the plans for Cars Trucks and SUVs, which is retrofitting large trucks. However feel this to will open up new options. 

  • We feel there will be MobileSkid option that allows manufacturers send out a driver less mobile skid  controlled by GIS of merchandise to a customer thus decentralizing bulk loads and large highway wear. 

  • Interstates may have repurposed side runoff areas for  MobileSkid traffic.

  • Objects in this Website will support this Theory. 

Truck and Warehouse
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